Details for each of our many parish events is listed alphabetically below.
To volunteer click HERE or contact the Parish Office.
**Volunteering with one of these events, along with joining one ministry from the Ministry page, fulfills Stewardship requirements for parish school families.**
Donut Sundays are sponsored by Parish Council and happen multiple times a year. During the scheduled weekend, volunteers are needed after the weekend Masses to help hand out donuts and coffee. To volunteer click HERE.
Join us each Friday night during Lent in Bollinger Hall from 4-7pm for fish and fellowship. To learn more about the menu click HERE. Volunteers are needed for cleanup. A will be available as the date nears.
Trunk-or-Treat is on the back lot at IW Friday October 24th. It is open to all families in the parish to attend. To volunteer click HERE. Registration opportunities will be posted once available.
For questions contact Amanda Mongey ([email protected]) or Emily Martinez ([email protected]).
Incarnate Word Parish is hosts Vacation Bible School each summer for children age 3 to exiting Kindergarten (children must be fully potty-trained). Throughout the week children will enjoy various song, craft, games, and Catholic faith formation activities. Adult coordinator and Junior Helper volunteers are needed during the week.
Contact: Nicole Vonder Haar, Director of Religious Education 314-576-5366 ext. 26 or [email protected].
Wordstock is an annual night of music, food and fun. Music is provided by Adam Bitter & Friends and food is provided by Knights of Columbus. Ministry and Event representatives are available to answer questions and support connections to parish life. Volunteers are needed for setup and cleanup.
The 2024 event will be held after 5pm Mass on Saturday, September 28th.